Celebrities Around The World – The End


I have decided that most celebrities are digital celebrities now. People are either consumed with a television show, movie, or someone on the internet. What ever happened to going to theater and wanting to meet a celebrity in person? The media does a pretty good job making celebrities seem unattainable. The media is in control of many things around the world and we are blind to what it is doing to us. The media controls how we think and act now. In the past people had to learn from doing things physically, now we can look up something on the computer. The world is changing and I’m not sure it is changing for the better. People are becoming disjointed from the world and I really don’t agree with what is happening. Celebrities used to be the main source for entertainment at a play or on television show. Now, celebrities are mainly used for ridicule. We are so entertained by other peoples pain because of what the media feeds us. The media says it’s all right to make fun of a celebrity if they are struggling or that it’s fine to ruin your life. The media makes it acceptable to be bad. 

I’ve noticed that most celebrity deaths are caused because of drug use, yet that hasn’t been a shock to most people. It has become acceptable to use drugs if you are a celebrity because you are constantly in the spotlight. That doesn’t make sense if they are trying to be an example for everyone else. The media is to blame for a lot of the views we have and why we are so calloused to these things. Drugs and alcohol seem to be the “cool” thing if you are famous, which makes normal people think its ok to use them as well. The media could literally kill us if we aren’t careful.

We are constantly seeing how to live by watching someone else on TV and if we take them seriously then we could really get hurt. We are so inspired by celebrities because we want to be just like them. Young girls develop eating disorders because of the media, not the celebrity. Why is it so acceptable to be extremely skinny, but unacceptable to be a little curvier in the eyes of the media? The media uses Photoshop to create an unrealistic image of people, primarily woman, to make people feel self conscious. We are told so many things that are dangerous. It’s acceptable in the media to be anorexic, to use drugs, alcohol, plastic surgery to look better, etc. The media doesn’t care about you as a person, they just want your money. It is disgusting what we see the media doing some times. Celebrities get paid to advertise this kind of stuff and they are at the mercy of the media. If we aren’t careful media could be the end of us, literally.

Thanks for reading!



Celebrities Around The World – That’s Crazy!


We always judge celebrities because of the crazy things they do and we usually think less of them because of their choices. I believe that celebrities are not the primary ones to blame for appearing so insane. The media is technically in control of a celebrity’s image. The media only covers a celebrity’s most depressing or idiotic moments. Also, every candid photo you see in the tabloids is of them totally unaware. The media tries to make them look worse than they actually are, which is ironic when you see a celebrity in another magazine Photoshopped to look unattainable, interesting. Celebrities might have more money and fame than the average person, but they are people too. Everyone has a bad day and if you were constantly bombarded with photographers I’m sure you would eventually be caught looking off guard. Why is it so entertaining to see a celebrity going out of their minds? I answered this in a previous post. It’s because it makes us feel better about ourselves. We don’t seem as crazy when someone famous is doing something worse.


You know you live in a sad society when we have to compare ourselves to someone struggling to feel better. The media isn’t always crude though. There are occasional stories of marriages and celebrities winning awards, but other than that it is focused on how much weight a celebrity have gained and what outfit they chose to wear that day. Also, have you ever noticed that the cover of the tabloids is of celebrities failing at something; it deals with cheating, divorce, or anything having to do with relationships. There should be an alternative magazine that makes you proud of the celebrities that stay married or that are helping people. Instead of keeping up with the Kardashians we should be keeping up with the news, real news. We should be more entertained with seeking information about other countries and how we can help them. More people need to be informed about what is going on in the world instead of focusing on their own country. Here is a link to World News for your convenience.

Although Americans thrive on entertainment, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We need to be entertained by things that have a beneficial impact and things that are worth while. The media does a great job of filling our minds with what they want us to think, it is our job to be selective when subjected to this. We need to pick and choose what we choose to believe and what we think is actual news, and if we are unsure, we need to research it. We have this amazing invention at our fingertips called the Internet. We use it for information all the time but I doubt that many people use it to stay up to date with the rest of the world. Facebook is a great social connection website but it falls flat when trying to promote news. Facebook’s News Feed isn’t exactly news, it’s just stories friends decide to post. There should be a social networking site that makes it entertaining to stay connected with global news as well as global people. Realizing how lucky we are to be in a nation that allows us the freedom to learn about other countries and make a difference with a click of a button is an amazing feel, yet many people don’t have this realization. Since celebrities are our main source of entertainment and the media is the one showing us the celebrities, I believe it is time for a change in our entertainment interests.

Thanks for reading!

Make sure to read next weeks post on: Celebrities Around the World

-Jackson Dale

Celebrities Around The World – A Better Understanding


I might sound idiotic in saying this, but I have always had this crazy idea that any celebrity I saw in a movie or on television was considered an American actor, based on the fact that I am in America. Even when I noticed the celebrity had an accent, I still had the thought that they were considered American actors. Many people I have spoken to had the same misconception. They quickly start to label all of the actors that they had seen in films and start to understand how crazy it sounds. 

A very obvious example of non-American actors is the multitude of British actors seen in films. The cast of Harry Potter lets people see how popular celebrities can be from different countries and really shows me how selfish Americans can be, how selfish I am. We as a society consider everything in our country to be ours and never really stop to understand why we feel this way. Any time we see something in the media we can only think of how it will affect us. Also, when we see a celebrity, no matter where they were born, we claim them as our own and are prideful because of it. We should do a better job of thanking different parts of the world for helping us and we should be helping them in return, even if that means recognizing the country that produced a celebrity.

The Beatles is another example of British celebrities that have caused a great change in America. Also, now that I think about it, there is a rise in British actors. From Robert Pattinson from the movie Twilight to Sean Connery from 007, Americans seem to like British actors a lot. We should stop and consider how much our culture has changed because of celebrities from around the world. It would get pretty boring if we only saw American actors in films and never got to experience entertainment from other parts of the world. The media has once again poisoned our minds with false teachings that every celebrity we see is considered property of the USA. People are not property and should not be labeled based on the fact that they are trying to entertain different parts of the world.

Whenever people see a celebrity, no matter who it is, we should try and research to see what they consider themselves. Do most celebrities consider themselves American actors/entertainers even if they were born in another country or do they want to be recognize as something else? I feel as though most celebrities from other countries want to make their country proud and bring honor to it. The media needs to recognize these celebrities as who they are, even if it is obvious to some. Americans need a better understanding on who we are watching and idolizing. I for one would love to know where most actors are from and how many were actually born in America.

 Here is a list of celebrities from the UK, try to see how many you recognize.

Thanks for reading!

Make sure to read next week’s post on: Celebrities Around the World

Celebrities Around The World – Why we need Celebrities


Most of my posts have to do with the same topic; how celebrities could be different or what is wrong with them. I have failed to mention that celebrities are a very important part of media and many people’s lives. Celebrities give people a feeling of hope and inspiration. Whether it be a movie star or a professional athlete, celebrities put desires in us that help us every day. The actor Will Smith is a very inspirational actor that talks about achieving your life goals and is one of many celebrities who inspire people. Click here to hear a few motivational speeches by Will Smith.

We are constantly watching television and gaining new ideas on relationships, jobs, ideas, and even how to handle dangerous situations. People see a fighting movie and start to feel empowered because they remember how the star fought. Or even when the lead of a movie finds their true love; people are inspired to seek what they desire most. Many people put celebrity as role model in their lives and base their style, actions, and personalities after various traits of characters in shows. Some people want to be the tough, rugged bad boy while others prefer to be the charming, prince type character. All of this depends on you and how you want your life to be and what you subject yourself to.

The media can create any image it wants to with celebrities. It can make people afraid of a celebrity or even praise them for things. The media has the power to make or break a celebrity and in turn, change a person who idolizes that celebrity. Every time you turn on the television you are bombarded with celebrity news and gossip and want to learn more about them. We are so intrigued with how other people act on television because it builds our ego. We feel better about ourselves when we see someone famous “screw up”.

Aside from the entertainment factor celebrities play there is also the authority aspect of it all. If there was no such thing as a famous person and everyone was considered the same, we would all go about our lives and keep our heads facing forward. Celebrities make you excited when you see them on the street, we attack them with pens and paper just to have them write their name on it. We have a sense of excitement and desire because of them. People are always saying that someone looks like a famous person, which in turn makes that person feel better about their appearance.

Contrary to what the media makes you think, celebrities are just like normal people, aside from the millions of dollars and looks. They are no different than any human being, I beg to argue that they are a little more messed up than “normal people” because of all the fame, but that is beside the point.

What we need to understand is that celebrities are just as important to our society as any other person. Their job is to entertain us and make us have desires. They create a desire in us to strive to be better than we are, that being said, don’t use those feelings to feel sad about yourself. Do not feel less than when watching a celebrity do what they are paid to do. Celebrities are Photoshopped and have spent hours in hair and makeup. Base your hopes on becoming great and helping people along the way. Strive to be a better person and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. The media may already have an image for celebrities, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change that image when it is your time to shine.


Thanks for reading!

Make sure to read next weeks post on: Celebrities Around the World

-Jackson Dale