Celebrities Around The World – Why we need Celebrities


Most of my posts have to do with the same topic; how celebrities could be different or what is wrong with them. I have failed to mention that celebrities are a very important part of media and many people’s lives. Celebrities give people a feeling of hope and inspiration. Whether it be a movie star or a professional athlete, celebrities put desires in us that help us every day. The actor Will Smith is a very inspirational actor that talks about achieving your life goals and is one of many celebrities who inspire people. Click here to hear a few motivational speeches by Will Smith.

We are constantly watching television and gaining new ideas on relationships, jobs, ideas, and even how to handle dangerous situations. People see a fighting movie and start to feel empowered because they remember how the star fought. Or even when the lead of a movie finds their true love; people are inspired to seek what they desire most. Many people put celebrity as role model in their lives and base their style, actions, and personalities after various traits of characters in shows. Some people want to be the tough, rugged bad boy while others prefer to be the charming, prince type character. All of this depends on you and how you want your life to be and what you subject yourself to.

The media can create any image it wants to with celebrities. It can make people afraid of a celebrity or even praise them for things. The media has the power to make or break a celebrity and in turn, change a person who idolizes that celebrity. Every time you turn on the television you are bombarded with celebrity news and gossip and want to learn more about them. We are so intrigued with how other people act on television because it builds our ego. We feel better about ourselves when we see someone famous “screw up”.

Aside from the entertainment factor celebrities play there is also the authority aspect of it all. If there was no such thing as a famous person and everyone was considered the same, we would all go about our lives and keep our heads facing forward. Celebrities make you excited when you see them on the street, we attack them with pens and paper just to have them write their name on it. We have a sense of excitement and desire because of them. People are always saying that someone looks like a famous person, which in turn makes that person feel better about their appearance.

Contrary to what the media makes you think, celebrities are just like normal people, aside from the millions of dollars and looks. They are no different than any human being, I beg to argue that they are a little more messed up than “normal people” because of all the fame, but that is beside the point.

What we need to understand is that celebrities are just as important to our society as any other person. Their job is to entertain us and make us have desires. They create a desire in us to strive to be better than we are, that being said, don’t use those feelings to feel sad about yourself. Do not feel less than when watching a celebrity do what they are paid to do. Celebrities are Photoshopped and have spent hours in hair and makeup. Base your hopes on becoming great and helping people along the way. Strive to be a better person and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. The media may already have an image for celebrities, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change that image when it is your time to shine.


Thanks for reading!

Make sure to read next weeks post on: Celebrities Around the World

-Jackson Dale